Hair Bleaches Lighteners
Formulated with heavy dust, so volatile, it is rich of carefully selected ingredients. Respects the hair structure decolorandolo optimally.
Recommended for all techniques : streaks, highlights, lightening, special effects and decolorizzazioni. Thanks to the blue -violet pigment content, avoid toning towards yellow-orange, and gives greater light to the bleaching. Mixed with Oxidizing Emulsion Cream COLOR.IT to 20-30-40 volumes, creates a soft cream easy to apply.
method of use : mixing in a non-metallic container, 50 g. (1/2 scoop) of BLEACHING POWDER COLOR.IT with 100 ml (1 scoop) of Oxidizing Emulsion Cream COLOR.IT.
The shutter speeds indicative (20 to 45 min. ) Vary according to the bleach tones ( 2 to 7 ), and depending on the volume of the emulsion used ( Vol 20-30-40 ). We recommend checking the lightening during the exposure time, in relation to the desired effect, at the bottom of the application, under the conditions of the hair and the ambient temperature.
box: box of 500 gr. or sachets in the box.
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